Automate Your Google Sheets with Google Scripts

Mastering Efficiency: Automate Your Google Sheets with Google Scripts

Scenario: Assume you have a Google Sheet that tracks weekly sales data. You want to automate Google sheets with scripts so that the script processes this week’s data every Friday, generates a summary report, and emails it to the sales team. Efficiency!

Set Up Your Google Sheets Data

  • Organize your sales data in a Google Sheet with date, product, quantity, and sales amount columns.
  • Ensure the data is consistently formatted and updated.

Writing the Script

  • Open Google Sheets Script Editor:
    • In your Google Sheets, go to Extensions > Apps Script.
  • Write a Function to Process Data:
    • Create a function that calculates the total sales for the week.
function processWeeklySales() {
  const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SalesData");
  const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  let weeklyTotal = 0;
  data.forEach((row, index) => {
    if (index !== 0) { // Skip header row
      weeklyTotal += row[3]; // Assuming sales amount is in the fourth column

  return weeklyTotal;
  • Generate Report:
    • Create a function to format the report. This can be as simple as a text summary or a more complex HTML template.
function generateReport(totalSales) {
  return `Weekly Sales Report\nTotal Sales: $${totalSales}`;
  • Email the Report:
    • Use Google Apps Script’s email service to send the report.
function emailReport(report) {
  const recipients = "[email protected]"; // Replace with actual email addresses
  const subject = "Weekly Sales Report";
  const body = report;

  MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body);
  • Combine Functions:
    • Create a main function that combines all steps.
function main() {
  const totalSales = processWeeklySales();
  const report = generateReport(totalSales);

Automate the Workflow

  • Set up a time-driven trigger in the Script Editor to run the main function every Friday.
    • In the Script Editor, go to Edit > Current project’s triggers.
    • Click Add Trigger, select the main function, choose Time-driven, and set it to run weekly on Friday.
Automate Google Sheets with Scripts


This script will now, every Friday, automate Google Sheets with scripts create a summary report, and email it to the designated recipients. This is a basic example, but you can expand upon it by including more complex data processing, sophisticated report formatting, and additional automation features as needed for your specific workflow.

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